UNDER CONSTRUCTION !! this site is a massive work in progress, i know that its html is very messy and it looks like shit i am aware of that please leave me alonme !!

Welcome to nlolnlolnlo.neocities.org

thanks for visiting, however you got here!

i'm nlo and this is my homepage!

i won't try to pretend this site is better than it is: it fucking sucks right now. but i'm working on it!! i haven't touched html in ages but i'm confident enough in my ability to copy code from w3schools that i'm here. >:D

i'd like to separate the stuff here into different pages and go into a bit more detail about them, but that will have to wait for now. my current main goal is getting a functional and decent looking website on the internet. :)


feel free to take a button or two on the way out

go downstairs